By | July 29, 2017

The next life took place from 1906 to 1945. I was a Lutheran Pastor from Germany. I don’t have as many memories of this life compared to others.. I remember enough to know I lived it, however. I traveled to both London and Spain and preached in churches there. I have this one memory where I’m in the middle of a sermon and realize people aren’t paying attention and I walk out. I went on trips with groups of children with the intent of teaching them about religion. This made me happy but rumors of my sexuality began circulating and caused the adults to be wary of me. This upset me a great deal.. Especially when one of the adults whispered something in my ear about how I wanted to sleep with another man and that it was disgusting.

I tried my hardest to hold back my tears as I didn’t want to upset the children around me. I knew specific details long before reading about this life.. Like how I was homosexual. This is not written down as a fact but as a rumor. I was ashamed of this and fell into bouts of depression where I thought about suicide but I knew it was out of the question. I had a significant other named Maria. I loved her but in a platonic way. I often missed her and we wrote letters to each other. Though I can’t prove the accuracy of this memory: I remember setting up a shrine win her letters and the gifts she have me. I would sit there for hours upset about how I couldn’t be with her.. I was anti nazi and spoke out against Hitler… I was part of a plot to kill him as were a few of my friends. One of whom doubted we’d accomplish anything and wondered if I was scared.

I remember telling him no because we were doing what was right and I was willing to die for it and I did, I was hanged by the nazis. My spirit remained earthbound for some time. Maria had moved to America.. I watched her as she did and tried desperately to get her attention. She lived in a small apartment and I remember watching as others would come and go. Presumably family members and friends. I was happy she wasn’t alone but I wished I could be with her in psychical form. She eventually died of cancer. I believe I’ve encountered her reincarnation but I can’t be sure..

Jessica Clorine- Part 4

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