By | June 7, 2018

From the time my grandson could talk he started saying he wanted to go back to God. In a two year old way he would express how much he missed him and wanted to go back. At around the age of 4 when he truly started to understand that he couldn’t go back he started saying he wanted to die so he could return. He would say this at least once a week if not more.

He’s now 8 and still obsessed with dying although he almost never talks of God anymore. Just in the last month I was watching him out the window in the yard, I could tell from his body language what he was doing but when he came inside I asked him, what where you doing out there? He looked down sadly and said my Army guy died.

Then a week later I caught him having his little sister choke him. These are just a few examples but this kind of stuff is a constant. Sometimes I can sense such a deep sadness in him. The talk is becoming a little less but I worry so about him. Has anyone experienced any of the like, your help would be appreciated?


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